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Repurposing Sydney’s Rocks

On the 18th October 2018, the NSW Women in Asset Management (WiAM) Special Interest Group hosted its second Sydney Chapter event; Miriam Stacy (Place Management, Property NSW) gave a thoroughly absorbing presentation on the role she and her team plays in repurposing heritage-listed property assets in The Rocks area of Sydney. 

The presentation was brought alive through some stunning photographs and Miriam’s descriptions of the history behind these properties.  It’s not often presentations on asset management focus on the reuse of assets, a set of activities that typically straddles both the ‘dispose’ and ‘concept’ phases of the asset lifecycle; this presentation opened our eyes to what can be done, within the bounds of legislative requirements, to ‘reinvent’ assets of national significance and deliver places that transform the way a space (and surrounding area) is used by society.  What’s more, this new ‘value’ is delivered without compromising future outcomes and enables these assets to be repurposed again and again! A fascinating insight into the challenges of heritage asset management – “thank you, Miriam”!

You can download Miriam’s presentation shared during the session here. (Content available for members only. To see our affordable membership options, visit here).

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