Sydney and Digital Engineering
Sydney chapter had an excellent attendance of 49 to join in a panel discussion on “Digital Engineering in Asset Management” last Thursday.
The key theme of the discussion was exploring “Why aren’t we using DE for whole of life management of assets yet?”
An expert panel of practitioners was convened and chaired by Toby Horstead, NSW Lead – Strategic Asset Management, Jacobs and a Director on the Board of Asset Management Council. The panel members were:
- Julian Watts, National Lead – Asset Data Special Interest Group, AMCouncil
- Adam Griffiths, TfNSW – Program Manager Digital Engineering
- Mark Hughes, Jacobs Digital Transformation
- Craig Crawley, Sydney Water – Service Planning Manager at Liveable City Solutions division
The panel members offered insights into experience within their own and other organisations regarding the challenge of specification and delivery of asset data necessary to support effective asset management decisions through the whole life cycle. Toby posed some questions to generate further insights from the panel before opening the floor to questions from the audience. The evening concluded with a short advertisement by Julian Watts regarding the Asset Data Management System Model developed by the Data Special Interest Group. Members were invited to provide feedback on the model to the Data Special Interest Group.