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How Asset Management is Driving Value in the Public Sector

In last week’s Women in Asset Management webinar discussion Tim Reardon, Secretary of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet explored what asset management means to NSW Government, how it adds value for the community, how we can harness new technologies and innovation to deliver value and why people, especially women, should be excited to work in asset management in the public sector.

Since taking up the role of Secretary in 2017, Tim has led delivering of the Government’s priorities, for the people of NSW, including customer service, driving digital technology, infrastructure delivery and transformation of the public service, with a strong focus on implementation and accountability.

Prior to Premier and Cabinet, Tim was the Secretary, Transport where he successfully led the Transport Cluster and its people on behalf of the NSW community. Tim was responsible for the delivery of the largest transport infrastructure and services pipeline, in a generation.  Tim has worked in both government and the private sector in NSW and internationally.

Facilitated by Helen Carroll, A/Director Capital Programs, Public Works Advisory | Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, check out the recording here:

To view the recording, visit and search for ‘Tim’!*

*Available to AMCouncil members only (to see our affordable membership options, visit here).

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